Marketing with a facebook Pay Per click campaign
Carrying on from my last posts on Google Adwords Pay Per Click (you can read Google Adwords PPC Part 1 Here and Part 2 Here) I thought I'd write about Pay Per Click marketing on facebook and why it may be better for you than PPC on the search networks.
The difference between facebook and Google Adwords
So what are the benefits of using facebook Pay Per Click, the main difference
about facebook PPC is, rather than advertising to people that are looking for your product or service keyword(s) at a specific time you can advertise to people who may be interested in your service or need it in the future. So if you're an interior designer marketing your business on facebook, a potential customer may be thinking of using an interior designer however not yet started looking and your ad pops up just at the right time when they are on facebook and prompt them to either go to your Interior design website of to your facebook page. You are now in their mind!
Targeting your potential customers
As with Google Adwords you can also target your area however with facebook you can also find the right target market based on interest, age, groups or target friends of the people who already 'Like' your page, so maybe the age bracket 30-55 years old as they are more likely to be home owners that would use your service!
Your ad will show when they use facebook, if your ad catches their attention and relevant to the viewer they'll click on your ad and then be taken to the site you've specified.
Marketing on facebook can be very targeted as you can fill in search data to be targeted to your potential customers or clients, so if you were a shop and wanted to target runners you can and your ad would only show to runners that are using facebook, what is great is when you set up your campaign and add 'runners' or 'running' to your keyword terms facebook will tell you how many people your ad has the potential to reach (remember some of these may not use facebook at all any more or on a regular basis) you can also target ages so if you just wanted to target runners over 50 then you could and if you just wanted to target runners in a local area you can do that too!
You can be really sneaky and just target followers of your competitors pages too, so if in your search terms you put a facebook page in, your ad will just show to those people.
Getting people to click
One of the best things to do is to set up a facebook page to send your prospects to, on that page you can then give tips and post about useful resources about your trade, Once people have 'Liked' your page it shows on their wall if they they like that tip or resource that you have posted then that comment will be seen by their facebook friends. When they are ready or need your service they'll go through to your site and buy your product or service.
A great way of getting people to like your page via facebook ppc is to keep your ad simple so if we go back to the running retailer a simple ad would be 'Like Running? Click 'LIKE' what happens in the minds of the prospect is they think 'yes, I like running, I'll click like' simple and they don't have to think or view the page first. I did this with the Best of Hertford facebook page and I got the cost per 'Like' down to 5 pence, now to get a fan for 5 pence is really great and I had simple copy in the ad of 'live in Hertford? click LIKE'.
As with normal search ppc though try a few different ads and test and refine them all the time.
I'd love to see your facebook page so let me know the address and I'll stop by and 'Like' it.
To your Success
Visit my Facebook page and click like for more tips and links to resources.
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