A simple 4 Step marketing plan
Most tradespeople I speak to have no plan for their marketing, no plan means no direction to growth no way to get what you want from your business.
Churchill said 'Fail to plan, plan to fail' and this applies well to many things but very well to marketing!
Now if you have started your business as a lifestyle business, that's okay although the the stuff I put out probably isn't for you, however if you want to grow a real business and you've not got a plan and I mean one that's written down on paper (it's no good just in your head) then you have a lifestyle business, so this blog post is about getting that plan down on paper and the key things you need to create a basic marketing plan for your trade or property business.
Here are the 4 key steps you need to think about and have in your plan.
Step 1. Who are your customers and clients?
Knowing who your target market are, is really, really important and the answer here can't be anyone.
You don't want to be going to quote for jobs for people who want you to work for £10 an hour or those that don't understand the value you give them!
Build a picture of them and what they do, their interests and their family the house they live in.
Step 2. What will you tell them?
What is your USP, why should they use you and pay your price?
And more importantly can you prove that you can deliver what you say or do you have a guarantee that says what happens if you don't?
Step 3. How will you get your message out?
You need to detail how you'll spread your message, the actual marketing you'll be doing and you need to have many ways to market your business and be doing many things all at the same time not just one!
It may be Networking, Pay Per Click, Flyers, Social media, Direct mail, Blogging and articles or one of the many other ways to market your business.
Step 4. When will you do this?
You need to plan when you're going to do your marketing, you need to figure out how much time you're going to put into getting new customers and clients, they are the life blood of your business and what puts the food on the table so if you're not working on getting more you've got a stagnating or dying business.
So hopefully as you've been reading through this simplified marketing plan you've made some notes on your 4 step marketing plan, If not grab a sheet of paper now and write it down, strike while the iron is hot as they say and then follow through!
To your marketing success
Paul Jennings
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