Too busy to be marketing your business
I hear from so many trades people that say 'they are too busy to do this or too busy to do that' and that they don't have an hour a day to focus on marketing their business! Is this you and your business?
This is why so many trades and property businesses suffer from feast or famine, they only start marketing when the well is dry, there is an old saying of 'don't wait until you're thirsty to dig your well' and this applies to marketing so well.
So how do we get out of a marketing feast or famine
The best way is to set goals for the week, just small simple goals it may be work on a website page, sending out letters to potential commercial clients or even some customer service calls/ follow up calls to make sure everything is okay.
So lets take the marketing goal of sending out some letters to get commercial clients, If you set yourself a goal of sending out up to 5 letters per day to potential commercial clients at the end of the week you'd have sent out 25 letters, not a lot however over a year that's around 1300 letters! It all adds up!
Breaking down your marketing

Look at your marketing activities as a drip in a bucket

Just by doing a little bit everyday you break it down and make it manageable. Keep doing it and making small marketing goals and you'll never experience a famine! Like a drip in a bucket eventually the bucket will be filled and it's the same with marketing, it all adds up.
You do need to plan these goals too, so be sure to set a planning time during the week when you sit down and just focus on growing your business this may be on a Sunday for the week ahead.
Over time you'll see results from these little marketing activities.
To your marketing success
Paul Jennings
Marketing for Trades
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