Small marketing goals

In a recent post I spoke about setting small marketing goals and that you should plan them every week. With that post I really only scratched the surface, So I thought I'd cover it in a little bit more detail.

If you don't have marketing goals for your trade business, you are just literally working week to week and not knowing what will be happening or where the next job is coming from, sometimes hoping to strike it lucky with a job.

This is why so many businesses and it seems especially with trades suffer from feast or famine, they either have too much work or not enough!

If you are looking to grow your business and take people on, you cannot live business life like that, marketing is how you get business in, it does not just drop in to your lap, every job you have ever done is because of something you've done or said in the past.

Choose and plan your marketing goals

You cannot just use one or two ways to market your business and these days there is no need to, there are so many free or low cost ways to market your business and 'fill the bucket' you should be doing as many as possible, I'd say a minimum of 5 to start with.

Just reading this blog will give you ideas of the marketing tools you may want to use for your trade or property business.

You then set a goal of how many customers you expect to get from that activity, if you don't know what your return on that marketing activity should be, your goal should be to find out by testing.

Put your marketing plan into action.

Once you've decided what marketing you're going to do, you need to add it to your diary, decide what days you'll work on your business and don't change it for anything but emergencies, Your job as a business owner is to get customers if you're out all the time doing the work you're not getting customers, no customers means you'll go into famine.

Read my post on writing a simple marketing plan

Even if you do 30 minutes of marketing a day it'll grow your business over time. If you do this it'll have a snowball effect and really pick up momentum!

To your success

Paul Jennings 
Marketing for Trades

PS if you really are too busy to do your own marketing for your trade or property business and are based in the Hertfordshire area, why not let me do it for you with my done for you marketing service

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