Top 10 website basics: A checklist

Website marketing basics: A checklist for trades

Following on from my last post about the pros and cons of building your own website or hiring a web design company I thought I put together this basic checklist.

So you've got a website, Whether you built your own trade website or had it done for you check through this list to help promote your site, be aware just like trades and property businesses there are cowboy web designers who don't know how to put together a decent website, here is a list of the basics your website should have to be a great tool for marketing your business, the more questions you can answer yes to the better!

  1. Do you have text that explains who you are and what you do and where you do it, but more importantly how you Help The Customer?
  2. Is your phone number on every page?
  3. Does your home page have a call to action such as Follow us on Twitter/call now/ email for more information?
  4. Do you have an about me page that represents your passion for your trade business?
  5. Have you clearly defined your services, pricing and guarantees with a page for each?
  6. Have you included customer reviews/ testimonials, preferably with pictures of the people or videos which would be best?
  7. Do you have 'trusted logos' - NAPIT, Gas Safe or NHBC  etc. With a page explaining what they are about.
  8. Does your website contain your keywords?
  9. Do you have a blog to show your expertise, knowledge and drive visitors to your site.
  10. Can a visitor +1 your website and follow you on Google+, Twitter and on other social media networks from your website?

So how many Yeses did you score?

0 - 3 Looks like you're just starting out. Check out the rest of my blog posts on websites.

4 - 7 You're on the right track. list what order you're going to complete the tasks and get to work the sooner it's finished the sooner you'll increase traffic.

8 - 10 Way to go. Think about taking the next step - Pay Per Click Marketing?

Once you've completed this checklist your site will be in the top 20% of websites for trades and property businesses most cannot say yes to all 10 points.

To your Success

Paul Jennings

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